Wednesday, November 16, 2011


While I am writing, I really need a view which I can inspire and relax such as a garden or something green and fresh like that. But how since my little lovely home locates in a very crowded and cramped neighborhood? I organized my desk near the window expecting to receive a in-my-imagination view and light and fresh air. Unfornately, the view is blocked by a house opposite mine. To improve that, I did grow some kinds of climbers with a hope that the color of their leaves and flowers could fulfil my eyes and cheer me up. They do, somehow. Like this...

And this...

So lovely hah :)

However, it was no longer exist. So sad. I have reasons for this. The weather has been so weird recently - tt's been brilliantly sunny in the morning and raining cats and dogs in the afternoon - plus my lack of gardening skill made it's gone like that. 
After that, I made a commitment with myself that I would grow it one more time next month since this month I have to focus on writing. Then, back to the problem about the view mentioned before, I have a solution for it. It might be funny but believe me. It works so well. With a little of music, like Secret Garden and a screen like this...

Haha, I accessed the website and search for Flower Garden, then set the slideshow mode. See, it rocks! I can write and enjoy all the most beautiful gardens around the world. inspiring! 

Just something I want to share with you. 

Rock and roll day, guys. 



  1. love this. so glad I found your blog. definitely following. If you get a sec I'd love to hear what you think of my fashion blog. It's all about the adventures of a southern girl turned LA local. xo

  2. Halo, Fash Boulevard. It's very nice to meet you. Thanks for following. And of course, I'll visit your blog now. xoxoxo
