Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Write whatever I want

Halo everyone,

It's time to come back! It's been so long, more than a month though. Actually, after a month of writing crazily, I was in the bored-to-death-with-writing mood. Then, I spent the whole December for traveling, shopping and enjoying Christmas and New Year Eve with my dearest family and friends. Of course, I missed writing sometimes, but God...whenever I came back to it, the feeling of depression suddenly overwhelmed my head. Well...I have no choice but staying away from my lappy.

That was just one of the reasons. Another was I forced myself in the condition of writing topics that I planned in advanced. This was really a misery, a disaster, a...something terrible I could not explain. I was stuck in the trap I made. So bad huh? Since I read somewhere said that you must force yourself to inspire instead of waiting ideas come. I misunderstood it. Really. I'd rather have myself worked on writing in some specific hours in inspiring something than being stuck in a chosen topic. It is not a test, it is creative work, right?

Ok. Done! I have deleted all the unfinished drafts that I have-no-feeling composed. It is such a big relief when I can be myself again. Write whatever I want.

Happy New Year and Happy New Me!


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