Friday, July 15, 2011

Bad day

To be a is really really not easy at all. And, starting it disciplinedly is also a hard work. Staying at home for creating is not a good idea, except you have a deadline and you have an idea. Then that time you will not pay any attention to anything else but work. Oh god, I should hide these thinkings instead of say it all right here. But I'm getting crazy by now, and I am not gonna keep it. 
Lots of books prepared. 
Lots of activities planned. 
But what have I done? NONE!

But I don't say it to stop, just express my feelings, just that. Then, I'm back to work. 

Good luck to me. Aja...aja...fighting!!!!

sitting in a park now is not a bad idea...

1 comment:

  1. Hi Katie,
    I totally understand your above feeling. When starting something, the first step is always difficult because of a little bit confusability about left, right or straight way. I know you know yours because writing your feelings is the right choice. And you are doing this, right? ;)
    Many authors of best seller books did it.
    I'm looking for your next post. :)
    Thanks for sharing with me & pls correct my English mistakes (if any). hihi...
