Monday, October 31, 2011

Food for thought

By chance I visited the website of Elizabeth Gilbert - the author of Eat, Pray, Love. This made me think for a while. In fact, she built her entire life around writing. Yes, just writing. I can feel something in her sayings which can be concluded that aside from writing, there is nothing else she could do better than that.  

On another day, I watched an interview of a very famous actress in Korea. She also said, "Honestly, it is acting I can do best. Sometimes I wonder if it is not acting, what else should I do?"

And one more case I have once read in a magazine about a very famous singer in our country. She accidentally had a baby and became a single mom. She also share her thought, "All I can do in this life is singing, singing and singing. I cannot do anything else. Sorry, but it's true."

This makes me think, what is the thing that I am good at. And that this is it I can do best. Only it, nothing else. 4 years in university and 4 years working in office turns out to be nothing. It's nothing since I could not figure out what I am best at. Some say I am good at this and others say I am good at that. Ok, they might be right. Yet, I have not discovered what's the best of me. Try some! Me thought. 

And to do this, I am preparing a plot for my 50,000-word novel for 1 month. It's gonna start tonight. Oh, time flies, huh? 

This is my thought for today. Back to work now. 

Have a nice day to you and good luck to me. 


1 comment:

  1. Some lucky people can find their way sooner than others.
    Nothing is late.
    Don't worry sweetheart.
    Just need a little bit more time.
