Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Short story with choosen words

Yesterday I randomly chose 10 words and decided to write a short story with them. To be honest, free writing is easy but writing with chosen words was not easy at all. As for me. Anyway, practice makes perfect. So, I don't give up.

This is my short story with 10 chosen words. By chance, the words reminded me of the novel Jemima J of Jane Green. The main character was really fat and she tried her best to lose weight and had her love. Yeah, mine was inspired by this. Ok, here we go.


She used to be so plump. She feasted on fast food and other kinds of butter, chocolate. OMG, She could eat all day. When she was upset about a movie, she ate. When her mood cheered up, she ate to celebrate. Her life seemed to be so great until one day. She was rejected in a year-end party of her company. She could not find a partner for herself. Why? Because she was fat. Fat. All the men in this place were dying for some girl who possessed a slim body and oval face. No matter how kind she was, how helpful she was, and even how smart she was. She was still not the type that men looking for. We preferred someone to dance with me, not to eat, they said. Slim has something of worth. Really.

That evening, while she was strolling on her way home, something caught her sight. A Fitness Center. Unconsciously, she entered the place. Look at that. All of the girls with their perfect body gathered in this place. The curve shaped beautifully in the small of their back. Their firmed thighs were wandering in front of her eyes. The nails were shining with perfect pedicure. They must have been drooled by tons of men with no doubt, she thought. She felt bewildered and wobbled as if there were an earthquake near here. After some seconds getting back to her consciousness, she stood up, went to the register desk and applied for a 6 – month gym course. She wanted to dance; she wanted to be a part of the party. 

She would do this, not for anyone, for her. Just for her.